Sabtu, 12 Januari 2019

table manner in Russian


   Hello everyone in the previous blog I have discussed how to table in Saudi Arabia, now I will disccus about table manner in Russia countries. Russia is the largest country in the World and not only has a diverse culture and tourist attractions, but also its unique food has unique and delicious flavors. Before you go to Russia for culinary delights I will give tips and etichs eating in Russia :

   Etiquette for eating .
Don’t eat until your host begins eating. Russians use standard European table amnners, so  the fork belongs in the left hand and the knife, if present, belongs in the right. Keep your hands visible for the duration of the meal and keep your elbows off the table. use your bread to mop up any excess gravy, but don’t completely clean your plate to do so is to suggest the host didn’t provide a sufficient amount of food.

    Etiquette foe finishing .
Don’t be taken aback by repeatedoffers to refil your plate as  this is a common Russian practice. Politely refuse and compliment the cook and the host on the fine, but filling, meal. Don’t get up from the table until the host invites you to do so. Upon rising, ask if there is any way you can be of assistance in cleaning up. The hostess will generally refuse, but will appreciate the offer.

well, that’s the ethics that you have to know if you are invited to eat by Russian people or just culinary. Thank you for reading my blog, and Don’t forget to smile today. :)

reference :

table manner in Saudi Arabia


   hello everyone is still on the same topic, namely is Table Manner. Today I will discuss table manner in Saudi Arabian. Saudia Arabian is usually famous for its holy place for Muslims, but Saudia Arabian also has food with its own characteristics. Food in saudi Arabian is also guaranteed Halal. well for those of you who like this culinary hobby I give info on how to eat in Saudi Arabia :

Before meals.
as the food is served, guests say, “Sahtain” (the equivalent of “bon appetit”), or “Bismillah” (In the name of god), when meal is over guests should also say, “Daimah” (may there always be plently at your table).

Etiquette for utensils.
Throughout the region, people use spoons, forks, and knives, if necessary, or no utensils at all. Since the spoon is more important than the fork, if you are right-handed, keep the spoon in the right hand, and put it down to switch to the fork if and when you need it. Never use your left hand for eating, especially if you are eating directly with your hands.

Etiquette for using hands.
wash your hands before you sit down to eat. you will also need to wash your hands again at the end of the meal. Use your right hand when picking up and eating food, never your left hand. Keep your side. Do not place our left hand on the table, and don’t pass food with your left hand.
Pork will typically not be on the menu.
Alcohol will usually not be served with the meal.

Men and women may be ask to dine separately. If men and women are dining together, women should not directly touch food that is being served to a Muslim male, other than those who are her immediate relatives.

Etiquette for seating. The most honoredd position is in the middle of the table, with the second most important person, or the honored guest seated next to the head of the table.

well guys, its a part of ethics that you have to know if you want to go to Saudi Arabia. Thank you for reading my Blog and Don’t forget to smile today.

Minggu, 16 Desember 2018

table manner in peruvian


Hallo guys I come back with discuss about table manner in peru. Table manner in peru is similar to the rules of table manner in the other Andean and South American countries. But  In peruvian businessperson’s dinner party they eat with two carbohydrate like  a potatoes which are native to the Andes, will be served along with rice and bread and other starches, take it slowly. When your finished with your meal, place your knife and fork together diagonally across the plate (tines pointing to 10 P.M. on the plate).
Dining etiquette for seating
the host and the honored guest usually sit next to each other (males to the right of hostess, and females to the right of the host), if there is a hosting couple they usually sit together.
Dining etiquettee for tipping
In restaurants, a 10 percent tip is usually included in the bill.
 reference :

table manner in pakistan

 Dinning etiquette for eating in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Food is eaten with spoons, forks, and knives, if necessary, or with no utensils at all. Since the spoon is more important than the fork, if you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand, and put it down to switch to the fork if you need it: never use your left hand for eating directly with your hands.
Dinning etiquette for eating with your hands. The type of food eaten with the hands is known as “Banana-leaf” food. Reach into the rice, take some with your fingers, gently roll it between your index and middle fingers and thumb into a self-sticking ball, dip it into the souce on the banana leaf, mix it with a vegetable or a piece of chicken, then pop the whole thing in your mouth. Wash your hands before your sit down to eat and again at the entnof the meal.
Dining ettiquette for eating in a restaurant. Men and women, in some estabilishments, may be asked to dine separately. Women should be careful not to directly touch food that is being served to a Muslim male, other than those who are her immediate relatives.
Don’t take the last  it of  food from a centreal serving plate, that means there will be none left in case someone else wants more. Also a souce may be mixed with rice, and eaten together with the main dish. your are not expected to hold the rice bowl up by your mouth.
for seating : The host sits at the head pof the table, with the honored guest seated next to the host. The side the honored guest sits on the side of the table farthes from the door.

table manner in mongolia

Dinning etiquette in Mongolia is fairly relaxed, especially for foreigners, who the locals don’t hold to their dining rules. The most important meal in Mongolia is breakfast and it is rare to be invited into a local”s home as dinning at a restaurant is more commonfor people outside of one”s family. However , if you do by chance get invited to a Mongolian”s home and they live in a ger, there are a number of very important rules you must know.
Before entering a ger you should shout “nokhoi khor!” which means “hold the dogs!” of course you’re probably in no real denger of an actual dog attack, but this is how the locals ask to enter a stopping the entryway or threshold is badb luck. When inside you will notice two large beams, which stand  near the center and are the primary supports for the ger, don”t walk  between these two poles as, again, this is bad luck. Also, this is bad luck. Also, always move to the left once inside and greet the elders first.
Although the locals are forgiving in regard to dining rules, you should still try your best to behave to their standarts. Rules from one region to the next vary so pay particular attention to the behavior of other.
Finally, you may be offered an alcoholic beveragre to drink.

Selasa, 27 November 2018

table manner in Afghanistan


       Hi guys I come back with the same topic “TABLE MANNER”. From child to adult we are always taught the ethics of good eating by the family, strating from sitting neatly, chewing with mouth shut until not putting elbows on the table. But, every country in the world has different and unique eating procedures. 
       Table manner is carried out by each country or region in order to maintain the tradition that is owned. 
This week I will discuss about Table manner in Afghanistan. Here are some procedures for eating in Afghanistan :
1. In Afghanistan eating together is a        tradition that cannot be missed.
2. Eat by sitting on the floor that is given a base (Lesehan) with food that is overflowing is considered s a form of joy by local residents of Afghanistan.
3. Besides eating on the floor (Lesehan) Afghans also eat using their righ hand.
4. Althought eating together, but ther is a perhibition for men and women who have not been married (unmerried) to sit close together, ther is always a limit for both. This rule is also applied in the restaurant there.
5. Staple food in Afghanistan is flatbrad. But, some urban settlements and some areas also eat rice.
6. when they eat, they always provide dairy products like yogurt.
food in Afghanistan is usually cooked with various types of oil, including fat from sheep’s tail.
7. Afghans love Goat meeat and Kebabs. The restaurants that are there make excellent  Goat meat (primadona) from food. and also tea drinks are drinks that are drunk every day by the people of Afghanistan.
8. Afghans people forbid drinking alcoholic beverages and eating pork.
9. The last unique eating tradition that Afghanistan has is if there is bread falling on the floor, then they take the bread and kiss (smell) it before eating. it is a sign of respect for meal.

      That is ethics of eating in Afghanistan that is not too different from other Middle Eastern countries.



Minggu, 11 November 2018


Hello everyone is back with me. Today I will discuss table manner in Ethiopia. Do yoou know the Ethiopia region is from ??

Following a brief explanation of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia comes from the north african. One trbe in Ethiopia that still keeps an old tradition is the suri/musri tribe. If Dayak women in Kalimantan extend their ear lobes as a symbol of beauty, The Suri tribes expend their mouths so that they can be entered by objects such as trays or plates. The wider the ‘plate’ that entered him, the more beautiful he was. This tradition for local residants is called “Labret” or can be known as “Lip plate”.

If you want to visit Ethiopia, you have to know a`bout eating in Ethiopia, many Ethiopian customs come from their food. One of them is Gursha, which is a procession where someone feeds to the family  or whoever comes to visit the house. Usually the Gursha tradition is done in one big plate  or one large tray to feed all of its guests. The host in Ethiopia will make sure every guest will not come out of his house hungry. The custom of eating Gursha can be messy if there is a sauce served because you have to scoop it all up with your bare hands (eat using your hands) and feed the person next to you and and then all the other guests around the table, which means you will be fed by each person fingers or hands.

If in Europe there are appetizers, then Injera is offered in Ethiopia. Injera is actually not the name of food, but rather the procession of the meal itself. Usually, on Injera there are foods made from thin bread such as Tortillas containing various kinds of side dishes eaten before the main meal. All people who enjoy Injera stuff that will be discussed more or less as Ethiopian food.
 reference :

table manner in Russian

TABLE MANNER IN RUSSIAN    Hello everyone in the previous blog I have discussed how to table in Saudi Arabia, now I will disccus about...