Minggu, 16 Desember 2018

table manner in peruvian


Hallo guys I come back with discuss about table manner in peru. Table manner in peru is similar to the rules of table manner in the other Andean and South American countries. But  In peruvian businessperson’s dinner party they eat with two carbohydrate like  a potatoes which are native to the Andes, will be served along with rice and bread and other starches, take it slowly. When your finished with your meal, place your knife and fork together diagonally across the plate (tines pointing to 10 P.M. on the plate).
Dining etiquette for seating
the host and the honored guest usually sit next to each other (males to the right of hostess, and females to the right of the host), if there is a hosting couple they usually sit together.
Dining etiquettee for tipping
In restaurants, a 10 percent tip is usually included in the bill.
 reference : www.etiquettescholar.com

table manner in pakistan

 Dinning etiquette for eating in Pakistan or Bangladesh. Food is eaten with spoons, forks, and knives, if necessary, or with no utensils at all. Since the spoon is more important than the fork, if you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand, and put it down to switch to the fork if you need it: never use your left hand for eating directly with your hands.
Dinning etiquette for eating with your hands. The type of food eaten with the hands is known as “Banana-leaf” food. Reach into the rice, take some with your fingers, gently roll it between your index and middle fingers and thumb into a self-sticking ball, dip it into the souce on the banana leaf, mix it with a vegetable or a piece of chicken, then pop the whole thing in your mouth. Wash your hands before your sit down to eat and again at the entnof the meal.
Dining ettiquette for eating in a restaurant. Men and women, in some estabilishments, may be asked to dine separately. Women should be careful not to directly touch food that is being served to a Muslim male, other than those who are her immediate relatives.
Don’t take the last  it of  food from a centreal serving plate, that means there will be none left in case someone else wants more. Also a souce may be mixed with rice, and eaten together with the main dish. your are not expected to hold the rice bowl up by your mouth.
for seating : The host sits at the head pof the table, with the honored guest seated next to the host. The side the honored guest sits on the side of the table farthes from the door.
reference: www.etiquettescholar.com

table manner in mongolia

Dinning etiquette in Mongolia is fairly relaxed, especially for foreigners, who the locals don’t hold to their dining rules. The most important meal in Mongolia is breakfast and it is rare to be invited into a local”s home as dinning at a restaurant is more commonfor people outside of one”s family. However , if you do by chance get invited to a Mongolian”s home and they live in a ger, there are a number of very important rules you must know.
Before entering a ger you should shout “nokhoi khor!” which means “hold the dogs!” of course you’re probably in no real denger of an actual dog attack, but this is how the locals ask to enter a stopping the entryway or threshold is badb luck. When inside you will notice two large beams, which stand  near the center and are the primary supports for the ger, don”t walk  between these two poles as, again, this is bad luck. Also, this is bad luck. Also, always move to the left once inside and greet the elders first.
Although the locals are forgiving in regard to dining rules, you should still try your best to behave to their standarts. Rules from one region to the next vary so pay particular attention to the behavior of other.
Finally, you may be offered an alcoholic beveragre to drink.
reference: www.safaritheglobe.com

table manner in Russian

TABLE MANNER IN RUSSIAN    Hello everyone in the previous blog I have discussed how to table in Saudi Arabia, now I will disccus about...